We’re still pretty amateurish when it comes to growing veg, so it doesn’t fail to amaze me when we see some of the weird shapes our Runner Beans are growing into.


Perfectly Podded Peas

We’ve been harvesting peas for some time now (we’re growing Kelvedon wonder) and we have certainly reaped the benefit of so little initial effort. Next year (I feel like I’m always saying ‘next year’ lately…) we plan to have a more formal arrangement for the vegetable plot, with a good rotation system and paths to make maintenance easier. Two years of living with an acre has finally taught me to get rid of the grass at every given opportunity…


Short and Stubby

Short and Stubby

But still a beautiful sight! Our fathers, friends and gardeners across the country bemoan growing root vegetables. My father in particular has a lot of trouble with carrots. They either find every possible stone in the plot and split into three, or they go green and cracked from strange watering and what I can only guess to be light exposure.

For some reason though, ours are flourishing. We sowed the crop in early May, and considering their late germination (and my sheer laziness and forgetfulness when it came to weeding) they’re doing marvellously! We sneakily picked these two to get a short sneak peak. They tasted delicious too, I believe the variety is Early Nantes, and from what I can see of the long roots on the end of the carrots I can only predict that we may actually get a beautiful crop in late summer!

The hard part now is resisting taking another picking!